Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc How Many Hours Of Gameplay

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28 Hours DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a revised and revamped edition of a title originally released on the PlayStation Portable in Japan in 2010.

Danganronpa is a fascinating exploration of everyone's dark side

Game Info
PlatformPS Vita
PublisherNIS America
Release DateFeb 11, 2014

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc mixes murder and play perfectly.

Equal parts social sim, murder mystery and courtroom thriller, Danganronpa kept me enthralled with concepts that felt fresh and familiar all at once. It pieces together a devilishly good story with characters that feel like individuals and mixed mechanics that play well together. Though built on violence, Danganronpa isn't strangled by its dark nature.

Danganronpa stars Makoto Naegi, a high school student preparing for his first day at Hope's Peak Academy — a school that only takes the best and brightest. At least, that's what they think, right up until Makoto and company are trapped in the school and forced to participate in a killing game. In order to escape, one must murder a fellow student without being discovered. Get caught and you'll be 'punished' with death; get away with it, and everyone else is punished.

Danganronpa's mystery unfolds through very different yet equally engaging mechanics. During Daily Life sections, I roamed around the school and socialized with other students. There's a practical purpose for choosing to be friendly; as the relationship between Makoto and his classmates grows, you pick up new skills to use later in the game. The game's memorable cast makes the sim aspect all the more enjoyable. Deciding who to spend time with each day was a genuine challenge, and even Danganronpa's most irritating characters reveal redeeming qualities as the plot progresses.

Danganronpa isn't strangled by its dark nature

Getting close with students has a high potential for emotional turmoil when the game switches to Deadly Life. These segments occur after a murder has taken place, switching gears to detective-like gameplay. Picking apart crime scenes and questioning other students pulled me even deeper into the game's story, but not without some unnecessary handholding.


You can't leave specific areas until you've found all relevant clues, and the game provides redundant hints as to where to go next — when it doesn't just automatically take you there. Sometimes I would understand a clue well before the game would let me move on, which was frustrating. In one extreme case, I mentally pinpointed the guilty party five minutes after the murder — and still had to go around collecting clues.

These minor annoyances are resolved in the game's trial segments, which justify digging up as much evidence as possible. Trials play out through a series of quirky minigames that are easy to get a handle on. Each level starts by picking apart discussions, which is accomplished by literally shooting down discrepancies or weak statements with 'Truth Bullets.' Occasionally I had to present evidence, or play a hangman-style game where you destroy letters to guess a phrase. A great rhythm-based minigame allowed me to verbally overpower the accused party, and in concluding arguments, I pieced together the murder through comic book panels. The variety on display in these segments keeps Danganronpa's trials from feeling repetitive, even as they put to use what you've figured out in prior investigations.

These minigames feel light-hearted, but that mood is immediately thrown off by the punishments that follow. Guilty parties are dragged away and subjected to bizarre, disturbing deaths. The satisfaction I felt for blazing through a trial with a high score was deadened by the graphic death sentence the guilty party received — a sentence that I'd helped deliver.

Regarding gender

Danganronpa trigger happy havoc how many hours of gameplay in fallout 4

Danganronpa approaches its violent nature honestly and, for the most part, with good taste, but it fails to use that measure of restraint when presenting a character whose gender identity goes beyond traditional roles.

During one crime, the reveal of a character's genitalia is used as a shocking twist — a step that feels tacky and unnecessary. Furthermore, the other students in the game are quick to change their pronoun use in reference to that character with no questions asked. It's an unfortunate misstep that leaves a sour aftertaste during an otherwise enjoyable portion of the game.

While working on this review, I consulted an expert on gender and sexuality to discuss the character's representation at some length. With help, I reached the conclusion that I didn't have enough information to comprehend or understand the character's preferred identity. However, Danganronpa's handling of the situation remains troubling.

Punishment scenes reminded me that Danganronpa is built on brutality. But the game's shocking violence is paired with kooky antics in a way that somehow makes it digestible. The villainous Monokuma is a black-and-white teddy bear whose words teeter between mischievous and psychopathic in the same breath. Victims are always covered in hot pink blood sprays that make crime scenes look more like pop art parties than kill rooms. Even the sheer horror of being trapped in a school and forced to murder your friends is downplayed by the cheerful, chirpy tunes of the game's everyday music.

For every lighthearted gesture Danganronpa makes, it never mistakes death for something casual. I didn't have time to bond with everyone in the game — there were simply too many interesting characters to chose from — but each murder carried a dreadful weight. Every discovery was a surprise; every death, a strange rush of dread and relief as I learned the fates of those I'd grown close with.

Wrap Up:

Danganronpa is a fascinating exploration of everyone's dark side

Danganronpa is, hands-down, one of the strangest games I've ever played — and yet also one of the most enjoyable and thought-provoking. It plays with ideas I rarely get to explore in games: the desperation that drives people to kill, how quickly you'll betray your friends, loss and despair. I can't say that Danganronpa makes murder fun — but it weaves gripping gameplay and storytelling with an offbeat cast in a way that's absolutely to die for.

Danganronpa was reviewed using code provided by NIS America. You can read more about Polygon's ethics policy here.

About Polygon's Reviews

In Try/Buy/Wait, Checkpoint writers review a game and give you a recommendation on whether to Try the game via demos/buy-and-refund, Buy the masterpiece of a game immediately, or Wait until the game is on sale – letting you know if a game is ultimately worth your money and time.

Your Writer: Daxter
Top 3 Favorite Games: Zero Escape Virtues: Last Reward, Dead Space, Fall Out New Vegas
Favorite Genre: RPG
Recently Finished:Saya no Uta, Pony Island, Shadow Complex, Enter the Gungeon: Ultimate
Currently Playing:Metal Wolf Chaos XD, Space Hulk: Deathwing, Corpse Party, Destiny 2, Hollow Knight, Monster Hunter: World
Bio: My favorite anime is Clannad. Nice to meet you!

Growing up, I didn’t have much hope. I don’t mean that people didn’t have hope in me, more that I didn’t have hope in myself. I was always lost among others, more than looking inwards to myself. It wasn’t like despair, more just like a passive existence. I preferred caring for others, but so much so that I didn’t pay attention to my own burning. Nobody but myself could put out the fire eating me up. But one day, I became real–I didn’t simply exist, I lived. Then I gained hope, for others, for myself, and for the future arriving every day.

In Danganronpa you play as Makoto Naegi, an ordinary little guy who just won the life lottery: A spot in Hope’s Peak Academy, a school so prestigious that if you get in, you are set for life. However, when he gets to school, his face meets the business end of the floor, and he wakes up alone in a classroom, with metal bars blocking the windows. As you go outside, you meet up with your classmates just as confused as to how they got there, and then they see it: The big door blocking your path outside.


☐ Beginner

☐ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert


☐ It’s there

☐ Poor

☐ Good

☐ Avante-garde

☑ Gorgeous

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Toaster

☐ Decent

☐ Mid

☐ High End


☐ Story?

☐ Text or Audio floating around

☐ Average

☐ Good

☑ Really Good


☐ Beats Headphones

☐ Bad

☐ Not bad/Not good

☑ Good

☐ Very good

—{Game Time}—

☐ Really short (0 – 3 hours)

☐ Short (4 – 8 hours)

☑ Standard (10 -25 hours)

☐ Long (40 – 60 hours)

☐ Very Long (61 – 100 hours)

☐ Timesink (100+ hours)


☐ Painful

☐ Sleepy

☐ Boring

☑ Fun

☐ Challenging

☐ Very Good


☐ Paint.exe

☐ Bad

☑ Decent

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ You forget what reality is


☐ Free ($0.00 USD)

☐ Cheap ($1-$6 USD)

☐ Not Bad ($7-$19 USD)

☑ Standard AA ($20-$30 USD)

☐ Pricey ($31-$50 USD)

☐ Standard AAA ($60+)

Naegi is a character on fire, burning up inside because he cares too much about others, but not enough for himself. He looks at the actions of others and sees only the Ultimate greatness they can achieve, but not who they are in the present. But a woman entitled “Queen” is nothing alone. Only when she burns with hope can she truly accept her own name.

This game is a mish mash of many genres. Most parts are done really well, and some are improved via sequels, but are still rough in this game. All of it is split between two modes: Daily Life and Deadly Life.

Daily life is simply Naegi living his new life with his classmates. Talking to them, spending your time with them, getting to learn more about them, and gaining their trust as a person, and maybe becoming friends. Your impression of this part will depend on whether you find the characters interesting enough to enjoy partaking in their daily life.

Deadly life is when someone is murdered and they must gather evidence in order to uncover the culprit. By talking to people and finding witnesses, you can corroborate your evidence to make it to the end of the trail and vote for them to be killed in return.

Trials are the meat of the game, where you use the evidence you have gained to point out contradictions in others’ assumptions of the crimes, and reject false leads as you collaborate to catch the perpetrator.

And that is the gameplay, short, but not that simple.

Spoilers going forward.

Naegi is originally depicted as an ordinary no-personality insert. However, he learns over the course of many of his friends’ deaths that it isn’t just care for others and their potential that empowers people. It is the embrace of your identity, and the drive to move on even though you may not be worthy enough to deserve it. Naegi saw many of the greatest of the great kill one another, using the knowledge they possessed as Ultimates, but in the process became ordinary people, lost in self-preservation.

At the end of the game, when Naegi is facing off against the Ultimate despair Junko Enoshima, she makes all partaking in the class trial doubt themselves. They each lose hope in being able to live their own lives, and lose faith in the abilities that made them who they are. They no longer care about the grand picture, only about what is in front of them.

All but Naegi fall into a deep and utter despair. Naegi, over the course of the trials, finally put out his fire, learning to no longer blame his no-talent life. He casts away his doubt and becomes one with the fire, embracing the burning hope dormant inside of him, and unleashing it on all the others, infecting them with the will to live on. And so they choose the path less traveled, and embrace the hardships that they will confront in the future, because in all of us, hope lies dormant. Hope is inescapable, as long as you have the will to embrace it.


This game is a Buy from me. The gameplay is fun and diverse, the story gripping, and the characters enjoyable. It’s enjoyable for anyone as long as they have the will to read something really long. I played this on the PS Vita, but the PC game should be fine as well. But know that as the first in an excellent series of games, one is not enough, and hope is not without despair. It is a truly unique game with an incredibly intricate and complex story coupled with actually engaging gameplay not often found in visual novels, that makes Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc one of the most unique, genre-defining games, and a definite buy.

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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc How Many Hours Of Gameplay 2

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc was originally developed and published by Spike Chunsoft (@SpikeChunsoft_e) and was published and localized in English by NIS America (@NISAmerica). The game was originally released for the PlayStation Portable on November 25, 2010, and is now available worldwide for the Android, iOS, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam platforms – retailing at $19.99 USD.

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